essentially so and wewe got a lot of support from uh markets doing that。and um we hope to continue on and and uh keep everyone honest O K。所以買 youtube 訂閱matthew在說有很多的買like犯法仲介,他會利用這些互聯網平臺,就是在幫助他,而有很多的各國門號這個房地產公司。如果買 youtube 訂閱你沒有利用好互聯網平臺,且買like犯法你就會受到一些傷害,對嗎?ok。 so matthew, uh you are dealing lots of a raaced agencies across melbourright um in your mind, you know what's the most the common, you know, challengge rarase the facing today, i think across the board, both in a very difficult onds of the plan。 um the most common challenges is fance。 um so i mean, with the common, that is a lot of finance。and that's probably being going on for well methere's。a lot of finance issues and time is getting getting learn from the strunging k。 um even the als。now the banks is telling me up, and and it's is very difficult for them to get alone the banks looking at a month of other common spending um to ensure that the person can can pay back to learn um the matthewith, a lot of seeing germ gloom do the market seems to be responding positively to uh stable governments um and and certainly spring being around the corporal。
- Apr 27 Sat 2024 23:24